Set-up of compliance processes and customer focus

Creating value by controlling the regulatory burden

Organizations have to meet an increasing number of compliance requirements. At the same time, violations are punished more severely; the fines and costs of corrective action are increasing and the reputational damage is permanent. We also see that many organizations, especially financial institutions, have such large concerns regarding compliance with rules that they fail to create customer value. Investing in improvement of your compliance structure pays off twice as much: the organization and its employees are better protected and customer focus is boosted.

What is our approach?

We have a distinctive approach as to how we help your organization grow, step by step, from good conduct (i.e. meeting all rules and ethical and accountability requirements) to due care (compliance is no longer a burden, but an integral part of the work processes), up until value creation: creating value by being compliant.

In our view, compliance should be made into an integral part of automated processes, as an additional guarantee of integrity in the workplace and at management level. An important condition for this is that people no longer experience compliance with laws, rules and accountability requirements as a burden, but as an extra protection for their own functioning and as a valuable aid for serving customers with empathy. If this is the case, procedural mistrust of customers and suppliers can be overcome and there is more time for value-creating matters.

In a platform economy, the importance of integral compliance is increasing. Without it, it is impossible to share and individualize data about objects and subjects, which is necessary to nurture interaction with the business environment and to better respond to the fulfillment of customer needs. Therefore, compliance on the data-rich market platforms, which are taking over an increasing part of the business and financial services and demand new forms of cooperation, is regarded as a license to operate.

How can we help you?

We are keen to realize a tailor-made solution, in order to help your organization grow from good conduct to due care, up until value creation.