Jaap van Manen
Jaap advises organizations on issues related to corporate governance, strategy and boardroom processes, focusing on directors, supervisory directors, shareholders and other stakeholders. He has a lot of experience with family businesses, financial institutions, and listed companies.
Before Jaap joined SMC, he was a partner at PwC for many years. He is an emeritus professor of Corporate Governance at the University of Groningen. Jaap is also co-founder of BoardResearch.org, a research institute that facilitates the online self-evaluation of supervisory boards. This self-assessment tool provides members of SBs with valuable insights into their performance compared with the other members and compared with a benchmark of other boards.
Jaap has profound insights into the cooperation between the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board. Because of his style, he knows how to ensure that this sensitive subject can be discussed openly with those involved. Based on his seniority and in-depth experience with regard to the functioning of the boardroom, Jaap is uniquely able to hold a discussion about corporate governance with top executives and supervisors.