
Albert Jan Stam

Albert Jan is a specialist in the field of ethics, behavior and culture. Moreover, he is an executive coach with special attention to work engagement and development and cooperation issues in top management.

Previously, he fulfilled positions such as associate partner of management consultancy firm Berenschot, director of the Epafras Foundation (spiritual care for Dutch prisoners abroad) and director of Nyenrode Business University. Before that he was a pastor. In addition, Albert Jan held various supervisory board positions and is currently chairman of the Supervisory Board of Sprank, an institution that provides care and support to people with intellectual disabilities. He is also vice chairman of the supervisory board of Bartiméus, a care facility for people with a visual impairment. He is also a lecturer at Avicenna in the Commissioner’s Program.

Albert Jan has several publications to his name, as author or co-author, including the book ‘Zo doen we dat hier – Bestuurders over het stimuleren van integriteit’ and he regularly writes articles in professional journals. As an executive coach, Albert Jan is specialized and certified in the field of burnout and work drive. He also has a lot of experience with career guidance of (non) executives, carries out assessments and acts as a team coach.

At SMC, Albert Jan contributes to boardroom dilemmas at the intersections between public and private, organization and meaning, and people and technology. He has a lot of experience with the housing association sector, the educational sector, NGOs, and trade associations. Because of his style, and exceptional ability to listen and ask the right questions, Albert Jan is uniquely able to set people and organizations in motion.